Sunday, March 20, 2011

figuring out love.

can we ever? can we seriously ever figure out love? pretty much no...
 what about those types of people who just tripped so easily over so many things because they weren't looking out, and now all they do is think so carefully before they take a step into something of love?
this morning at QT, i'm just minding my own business as usual. not looking anyone in the eye, just sort of fiddling around with my keys and coffee in hand, trying just to get out of there so i could rush to church which i was 5 minutes late for. but as i keep my head down away from everyone else, pretty much trying to be ignored as much as possible to stay in my own world of cheap french vanilla lattes, i heard some sort of grunt from the couple in front of me, as if they couldn't get words out. well much to my surprise as i look up to try to figure out what was going on, i came to realize that the couple in front of me was deaf
i realized i had no idea.
i had no idea what was going on in front of me.
i had no idea who these people were. 
but the craziest thing that struck me out of all of it, is that i didn't even think to notice who they really were. i didn't think to even look for a glimpse of what makes them, well themselves.
here's the deal though.
God sees every single person for they really are.
He doesn't stand in line waiting to pay for gas and a 16oz. coffee just minding His own business.
He looks with love. always seeking to love even more. and for us, we just try to stay in our own little worlds as much as possible. we weren't made to understand the capacity of God's love.
but we were definitely made to live in the capacity of His love.

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